Third Party ART

Third Party ART

Oocyte Donation

Women who are menopausal or affected with premature ovarian failure can now hope to become mothers with the use of oocyte donation and IVF. Here the uterus is primed for conception with estrogen and progesterone. The donor’s physical characters like skin color, height etc is matched with the recipient . IVF/ICSI is performed with the husband's sperms and the donor eggs and embryos transferred to the recipient. 65% pregnancy rates per cycle can be expected with this technique.


  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Turner syndrome
  • Ovarian failure following chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Multiple In vitro fertilisation failures
  • Genetic disorders

Screening of Oocyte Donor:

  • The Oocyte Donor is screened as per requested by couple.
  • Complete medical history of the egg donor is taken. Her age should be between 24 to 35 years.
  • Obstetric history
  • Menstrual History
  • General examination is done thoroughly. Her weight, Blood Pressure, General health, presence of anemia, CVS and Respiratory system is checked

The following tests are done

Physical checkup – Chest X ray, ultrasound sonography of pelvis. Blood Tests – Blood group, CBC, HIV, HbsAg, HCV, Serum TSH, Serum AMH, Thalassemia.

Therapeutic insemination (IUI) with donor sperm

Males having absent or extremely low sperm count, who cannot afford ICSI or those with primary testicular failure, can opt for donor sperm from a semen bank.


  • Severe male factor infertility (Absent or low sperm counts, low sperm motility or sperm that requires surgical extraction due to prior vasectomy or other conditions)
  • History of poor or abnormal fertilization
  • High DNA fragmentation index
  • Embryo development arrested in previous IVF cycle.
  • Genetic disorder in male who are not pursuing preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
  • Couples in which the male partner has an infectious disease, and the female partner does not.
  • Couples in which the male partner has an infectious disease, and the female partner does not.