Caesarean Section

Caesarean Section

There may be instances where a normal vaginal delivery is not possible, and for the safety of the mother and child, a caesarean section needs to be performed. The indications of C-Section are many, to name a few–

  • Multiple gestations like triplets or twins
  • Slow or delayed progress of labour
  • Fetus is in transverse or breech position
  • Failure of induction
  • Medical conditions in the mother like severe pre-eclampsia
  • Big baby and inadequate maternal pelvis
  • Precious pregnancy – IVF pregnancies/ previous fetal death
  • Meconium stained liquor
  • Fetal growth restriction, severe oligohydramnios
  • Fetal heart decelerations in labour
  • Previous caesarean

Caesarean delivery is a safe mode of delivery usually performed under spinal anaesthesia. Dr Amrita Tandon has many years of experience in performing C-section , along with fully equipped operation theatre and top quality equipment, experienced on call anaesthetist and paediatrician. The mothers can start breast feeding soon after the caesarean section , and can be discharged in 2-3 days. Recovery from a caesarean section is quick and we ensure that the mothers are comfortable during their hospital stay.