Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI Treatment in Chembur

When natural conception does not occur despite the couple trying for more than 6month to a year, IUI is a simple procedure which can help couples to conceive. IUI increases the pregnancy rate by 10 to 20% over the natural cycle. The fallopian tubes in the woman have to be patent and the husband’s sperm count should be near normal or have only mild abnormailties. In IUI, the fertilization of the sperm and the egg happens in the woman’s body.

About Procedure

  • The woman is advised ovulation inducing medicines like Clomiphene citrate / Letrozole / hormonal injections to increase her fertility and increase the success rate.
  • Follicular sonography is done from day 7 to know the ovarian response to ovulation induction.
  • In IUI, the semen sample is prepared in our state of the art ART laboratory, to separate best quality motile sperms from the sample.
  • The prepared semen sample (0.3-0.5ml) is injected by a fine sterile catheter into the uterine cavity. It is an outpatient procedure and doesn't require any anaesthesia or hospitalization.
  • The couple can continue to do their routine activity after the procedure. usually the maximum number of IUI cycles advised to a couple ranges from 3 to 6.. The abortion rate is not increased in an IUI cycle.
  • There is a slight increased chance of twin pregnancy.


  • PCOS/endometriosis
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • Borderline low sperm count and for those who are in travelling jobs.
  • Donor sperms are used in men who have no sperms in their semen.
  • Our ART centres in Chembur and Vashi are the best for IUI and IVF.
  • Treatment, where personalised care is given to each couple by Dr Amrita Tandon.
  • The Success rate of IUI treatment at our center is 20-25%