Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique is a procedure where a single morphologically normal sperm is picked up in fine micro needle and injected manually into the oocyte under a highly advance microscope with a micromanipulator. This has been a revolution especially for men who have very low sperm count.

We have a full time Embryologist – Mr. Sachin S Bawle who has an experience of over a decade and can perform all ART procedures. He is trained for Embryo Biopsy from IVF laboratory in Spain.

The steps involved in the ICSI cycle are

Ovarian Stimulation: The woman is given hormonal injections for stimulating the ovaries to produce more number of oocytes/eggs. The injections are timed according to her period dates. Her response to the injections is judged by Trans-vaginal sonography. When they reach the mature stage, the eggs are retrieved by aspirating the fluid from the follicles on day of egg retrieval. Egg retrieval is done under general anesthesia and sonography guidance.

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): On a special microscope with a micromanipulator, a single sperm is picked up in fine micro needle and injected manually into the oocyte. At our center to increase the fertilisation rate and improve the embryo quality our embryologist uses sperm sorter to separate the normal sperms with lesser DFI from the rest of the sperms. Sperms separated from the sperm sorter are then selected on basis of their morphology as per Kruger criteria. In this way we perform a double selection protocol and use the best sperm for ICSI treatment in Mumbai.

Embryo Transfer: Embryos are transferred back into the uterus of patient either on Day 3 or Day 5. The extra embryo can be cryopreserved for further use. The couple can expect a 30-50% chance of conception per cycle.

Advantage: In azoospermic (no sperms) men with an obstructive / non-obstructive pathology sperm can be aspirated directly from the epididymis (PESA) or from the testis (TESA) or micro TESE and used for ICSI. PESA or TESA with ICSI gives the similar results as with ejaculated sperms (30-40% per cycle).


  • Low to very low Sperm Count.
  • Tubal Block.
  • Severe endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  • Unexplained infertility.
  • Failed Previous IUI / IVF cycles.
  • Infertility due to any cause refractory to conventional medical and surgical management.
  • Women with poor ovarian reserve.
  • Women wanting to use donor eggs.
  • We provide the best and cost effective ICSI treatment in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.
  • The Success rate of ICSI treatment at our center is 40-50%.