Non Stress Test (NST) & Intrapartum Cardiotocography (CTG) Monitoring

Non Stress Test (NST) & Intrapartum Cardiotocography (CTG) Monitoring

Non stress test (NST) is a special test done in the antenatal period , usually after 30 weeks of pregnancy to monitor the baby’s well-being by heart beat recordings of the foetus in certain specific conditions and high risk pregnancies. It is a painless and simple procedure which takes 20 minutes that will monitor the heartbeat of the baby so that we can ensure the baby is doing well in utero. We have the facility of NST at our centre. Here the fetal heart beat and movements are recorded by a probe put on the mother’s abdomen. The heart beat trace is checked by our expert doctors and further management is accordingly given. The same test when done during labour can also monitor the uterine contractions with a separate probe put on the abdomen along with the fetal heart beat trace. This is extremely important during vaginal delivery where continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring is indicated in special situations and high risk pregnancies.

There are many indications for performing NST in High risk pregnancies and intrapartum CTG (if a vaginal delivery can be carried out) such as –

  • High Blood Pressure (Pregnancy induced hypertension/preeclampsia)
  • Diabetes
  • Fetal growth lag (IUGR)
  • Less liquor (oligohydramnios)
  • Twin gestation
  • Preterm labour
  • Any other special indications